Obambo Recipe(Dried Fish)

Obambo is a favourite among the Luo community.In the days when there were no fridges, fish was dried to preserve it, by slitting the edges then removing intestines and scales before sun-drying for a couple of days. The Luo community still dry the fish because it stays longer in the open  air market  where it is sold. You can get this fish at "Gikomba Market", which is one of the largest open air markets in Nairobi.


  • Two obambo
  • Two onions washed and chopped
  • Four tomatoes washed and chopped
  • One bunch of dhania(Coriander)
  • One tablespoon of curry powder
  • One cup of fresh milk
  • 'Iwo tablespoons of oil
  • Salt to taste
  1. Clean and wash obambo thoroughly in warm water.
  2. Boil obambo for one hour and put aside.
  3. In another pan, put oil and fry onions until light brown.
  4. Add tomatoes; curry powder and salt, cover and let it cook until tender.
  5. Pour in milk then add the dhania.
  6. Put obambo, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. Add in lemon juice and cook for two minutes.
  8. Remove and serve hot.

Serving Tips

Goes well with Ugali. Since it does not have much flesh add vegetables like kunde or managu.